2016-17 News

AUGUST 25, 2017

Department of Mathematics professors Dr. Yun (Amy) Lu and Dr. Wing Hong Tony Wong were recognized with prestigious awards at today's Faculty and Staff Convocation and Celebration.

Dr. Lu was awarded the Chambliss Faculty Research Award; inaugurated in 2004 through a gift from Dr. Carlson R. Chambliss, professor emeriti of physical science, the award is meant to recognize the very highest achievement in research and scholarship and can be awarded only once within a person's career.

Dr. Lu being presented with the Chambliss Faculty Research Award

Dr. Wong was awarded the John P. Schellenberg Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.  This award was established by John P. Schellenberg, emeriti professor of physical science, faculty alumni, and friends to recognize an early career faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding work.

Dr. Wong being awarded with Excellence in Teaching award by Dr. Hawkinson

For more information, please visit the Department of Mathematics Faculty Awards page!

AUGUST 16-18, 2017

Eric LandquistYun Lu and Francis J. Vasko, Department of Mathematics, and KU Mathematics students Mason Smith and Daniel Steinberg, the only undergraduate students invited to present, gave talks at the Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2017) Conference at Lehigh University, August 16-18. 

Students and mentors pose at the conference

Drs. Lu and Vasko presented "An undergraduate uses OR to improve Final Exam Scheduling at her university," (co-authored with Danielle Sienko, Paul Ache and Ted Witryk). Dr. Landquist and Mr. Smith presented "Applying the Jaya Algorithm to a Model Predicting Student Success," (co-authored with Sarah Kilgore). Mr. Steinberg presented "Utilizing Methane in Wastewater Treatment," (co-authored with Joseph Ritzko). MOPTA is an international conference with world renowned speakers and attendees (e.g., Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Princeton, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, and the Ukraine).

JULY 29, 2017

Joseph Ritzko and Daniel Steinberg, both Mathematics and Physics double majors, presented their research, "Tame the Flame: Utilizing Methane as a Fuel Source," at MathFest, the annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, in Chicago on July 29. They used a linear programming model to determine the strategy for the Kutztown Wastewater Treatment Plant to maximize savings through the collection and burning of the methane produced in the plant's digester tank. Their work was supported through PIC Math: Preparation for Industrial Careers in the Mathematical Sciences.

Students posing in front of their poster

JUNE 2017

Diego Manzano-Ruiz, a mathematics and philosophy major, and Dr. Tony Wong were recently recognized for the research they conducted last summer in graph theory as part of the KU BEARS grant program.

Student presenting an idea to Dr. Wong

May 5, 2017

Kappa Mu Epsilon Inductees

May 2017

Please join us in congratulating our Spring 2017 graduates, as well as celebrating the following students' achievements:

  • Nathaniel Benjamin: Kappa Mu Epsilon Award, Mathematics Award, Mathematics Undergraduate Research Award, Mugridge Research Symposium Silver Medal, Student Teaching Award, William Lowell Putnam Competition
  • David Foley: William Lowell Putnam Competition
  • Shannon Golden: Mugridge Research Symposium Gold Medal
  • Jacob Kramer: William Lowell Putnam Competition
  • Diego Manzano-Ruiz: Mugridge Research Symposium Bronze Medal
  • Jacob McCann: William Lowell Putnam Competition
  • Charles Nace: J. Dwight Daugherty Award
  • Jiao Xu: Mathematics Undergraduate Research Award
  • Stacey Hart, Shannon Golden, Robert Koch, Serena Mang, Diego Manzano-Ruiz, Karina Naugle, Charles Poli, and Jordan Russial were inducted into the Kappa Mu Epsilon National Honorary Mathematics Society.

MAY 2, 2017

Kutztown University Radio (KUR) interviewed KU Math Professor Dr. Kunio Mitsuma, who discussed his story of what brought him to the U.S. from Japan and why international students should consider KU for their education.  

To listen, click on the embedded You Tube video!

APRIL 21, 2017

Congratulations to Mathematics majors Nathaniel Benjamin and Jiao XuChambliss Student Academic Achievement Award recipients!

Nathaniel Benjamin, of Zionsville, Pa., has been awarded a Silver Chambliss Student Academic Achievement Award from Kutztown University. Benjamin is a mathematics and secondary mathematics education major graduating in May. He received the award for his successfully completed research projects.

The bulk of his research has been a part of his Honors Thesis, which he has been conducting since spring 2015. For his project, he created his own three-valued logic system that generalized the standard Boolean operations of AND and OR. This research earned Benjamin a second place finish at the Department of Mathematics' Mugridge Symposium, an annual celebration of undergraduate research.  During his time at Kutztown University, Benjamin has maintained a perfect 4.0 grade point average, served as president and vice president of Kappa Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honor Society and been inducted into both the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society and the Delta Phi Alpha National German Honor Society.

Chambliss award winner Nate Benjamin

Jiao Xu, of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, has been awarded a Copper Chambliss Student Academic Achievement Award from Kutztown University. Xu is graduating in May with a degree in mathematics. She received the award for her successfully completed research projects.

She has presented her research, which was mainly focused on probabilities, and her findings at the 2015 Fall Meeting of the Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Section of the Mathematics Association of America and the Third Annual Larry Mugridge Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics Research in spring 2016, where she won a gold medal.  Xu also received a Carole and Ray Neag Undergraduate Award for her research, a Department of Mathematics Scholarship, and has been inducted into the Kappa Mu Epsilon National Honorary Mathematics Society.  After graduating, Xu will attend graduate school and plans to be an actuarial scientist.

Chambliss award winner Jiao Xu

MARCH 29, 2017

Kutztown University students Joe Ritzko and Dan Steinberg, second semester seniors with dual majors in physics and math, have been working in conjunction with the Kutztown Borough's wastewater treatment plant as part of Dr. Eric Landquist's "Mathematical Modeling" course.  Their work has had enough impact to potentially save the borough thousands of dollars.

Click here to read more!

MARCH 16, 2017

The Math Kangaroo Competition is an international event, which is held annually on the third Thursday of March.  It has been taking place in the U.S. since 1998 and it attracted over 28,000 students nationwide in 2017.  Any student first through twelfth-grade qualifies. The competition questions are appropriate for the students' ages, and are interesting and challenging.  On March 16, Kutztown hosted this successful event with 53 registered students in this first group of participants.

Math Kangaroo competitors

JANUARY 11, 2017

The Department of Mathematics hosted a High School Mathematics Day for Girls.  Despite the inclement weather, over 60 female students and faculty from eight local high schools came to campus for this event. The goal was to interest young women in continuing to study mathematics and to pursue careers involving mathematics, the sciences, technology and engineering by offering role models and mentors. For more information, please click here.

Professors who coordinated the event


The team of Kutztown students Nate BenjaminDavid Foley, and Jacob McCann earned first place in the 2016 LVAIC (Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges) team math competition, defeating teams from Cedar Crest College, DeSales University, Lafayette College, Lehigh University, and Muhlenberg College.  They finished with a very impressive score of 93 out of a possible 100 points!

Team picture

Moreover, two other Kutztown teams finished in the top five in the field of fifteen teams.  Please congratulate Nate BenjaminBrooke EshbachGrant FickesDavid FoleyShannon GoldenRobert KochJacob KramerDiego Manzano-RuizJacob McCannBethany TirrellJiao Xu, and Guozhi Zhang on their outstanding performance!  Most of these students have dedicated significant time to training with Dr. Tony Wong to prepare for competitions like this one.

NOVEMBER 5, 2016

Mathematics majors Zachary Kern and Diego Manzano-Ruiz each gave an oral presentation on their research results at the 3rd Annual PASSHE Undergraduate Research Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) hosted by Millersville University.  Zachary Kern's talk was entitled "An Empirical Analysis of Three Population-Based Metaheuristics for Solving the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem".  His mentors Dr. Yun Lu and Dr. Francis Vasko also attended the conference.  Diego Manzano-Ruiz's talk was entitled "Vertex Coloring Game on Graphs".  His mentor Dr. Tony Wong also attended the conference. 

Students who presented at the conference


The paper "The Generalized Steiner Cable-Trench Problem with Application to Error Correction in Vascular Image Analysis," by Dr. Eric Landquist and Dr. Francis Vasko of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science graduate students Mr. Gregory Kresge (MS '13) and Mr. Adam Tal (MS '12), and researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Yifeng Jiang and Dr. Xenophon Papademetris, was presented by Dr. Eric Landquist at "OR2016," the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society in Hamburg, Germany on September 1, 2016, at the invitation of one of the session chairs. Their article introduced a new computationally hard problem and efficient solution heuristics, motivated by its application to automating error correction in CT scans.

Dr. Landquist at the conference

Graduate students Mr. Kresge and Mr. Tal played an essential role in the success of this interdisciplinary project by efficiently implementing complex algorithms and data structures capable of computing with massive data sets produced by CT scans.  While the majority of the roughly 700 participants at OR2016 were from Germany, every habitable continent was represented at this international conference. 

Fall 2016

The Department of Mathematics, in partnership with the Department of Business Administration, is excited to announce a new minor program in Actuarial Sciences.  For more information, please visit the official webpage, check out the new Statistics and Actuarial Science Club, or contact Dr. Ju Zhou.