Math Kangaroo Day

What is "Math Kangaroo"?
The Math Kangaroo Competition is an international event, held every year on the third Thursday in March. Kutztown University has been a Math Kangaroo Center since 2017.
Who can participate?
Any student in grades 1 through 12 qualifies if he or she can work independently to read and answer a multiple choice test.
Do all students take the same test?
No, students receive a test that corresponds to their grade level in school. The competition questions are chosen by the International Math Kangaroo Committee; they are at an appropriate level for the students, and are designed to be interesting and challenging.
Are there prizes for students who do well in the competition?
Each student receives a t-shirt and a certificate of participation. In May, students who earned the top scores overall at each level of participation are awarded with gold, silver, bronze medals. Medals are accompanied by gifts. International Summer Camp in Europe, and college grants are among the prizes. Also, in each participating state, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place finishers are recognized at each level.
What if I have more questions?
Click on the following links, or e-mail the Math Kangaroo Kutztown Center Manager, Dr. Ju Zhou.