Association for Women in Mathematics

The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) is a national organization devoted to encouraging women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences.

2023-2024 Officers of the Kutztown Association for Women in Mathematics Student Chapter:

President: Keira Murphy
Vice President:
 Lawrence Lombardi
Secretary: Alexa Fisher
Treasurer: Jayna Penn

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Lyn McQuaid and Dr. Amy Lu

Instagram Page: @ku.awm or

The Kutztown University chapter of AWM has received the 2021 Community Outreach Award from the national AWM in recognition of our various events (High School Mathematics Day for Girls, Women’s Empowerment Day, Beyond Pink-Collar Jobs, and our Virtual Lecture Series) that have engaged the local community in AWM’s mission of encouraging women and girls to study mathematics.



April 23: End of semester social gathering.

March 26: A discussion panel on post-graduation opportunities for math majors; topics include graduate school, industry, and education. 

February 27: Get-to-know-you pizza party.

November 28: Pumpkin paining contest.

October 23: Dr. Molitoris-Miller (Kutztown) and Dr. Sanchez (Kennesaw State) talk about Spheres Served Seven Ways.

September 26: Get-to-know-you pizza party.


April 26: A panel consisting of two current student teachers and two first year teachers with advice from their experiences in the classroom

March 28: Jr. Girls in STEM event; Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance weekly meeting as they celebrate Women in STEM

February 28: Get-to-know-you pizza party

November 16: A talk by Vanessa Maybruck, graduate student at the University of Colorado Boulder and KU math alumnus, on Using Mathematical Modeling to Shape Educational and Public Health Policy

October 25: Origami with Dr. Anke Walz 

September 27: Get-to-know-you pizza party

2021-2022 AWM Virtual Lecture Series - entirely featuring female mathematicians and their research - all are welcome!  Talks start at 5:30pm EST.

Zoom ID (updated for Spring 2022): 928 4711 0577

  • Sept 20th: Dr. Julia Arciero, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (poster)

  • Oct 18th: Dr. Jeanette Shakalli, FUNDAPROMAT (Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics) (poster)

  • Nov 15th: Dr. Nancy Rodriguez, University of Colorado, Boulder (poster)

  • Dec 6th: Dr. Tori Akin, Duke University (poster)

  • April 4th: Dr. Stacey Smith?, University of Ottawa 

Modeling New Vaccines for Ebola & Covid-19: Could Their Introduction Result in a Worse Pandemic?

April 4, 2022 at 5:30pm

2020-2021 AWM Virtual Lecture Series - entirely featuring female mathematicians and their research - all are welcome!

Zoom ID: 964 4012 0430

Screen reader compatible versions of the lecture series posters, as well as recordings of some of the lectures, can be found below the photo gallery.

Entangled Polynomials

April 13, 2021 at 5pm


March 3: Beyond Pink-Collar Jobs Event

Software engineer turned entrepreneur Valerie Deneen will give a talk entitled Stand Out in STEM: Showcase your skills, reduce gender bias, and build a career you love

Beyond Pink-Collar Jobs Panel Discussion, featuring seven women working in male-dominated fields

Kerri Gardi, the Director of KU’s Career Development Center, will speak about Salary Negotiation and the Gender Wage Gap

February 25: Joint meeting with the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) featuring presentations on what each organization does and discussing the joint upcoming event Beyond Pink-Collar Jobs

January 28: Updates on Beyond Pink-Collar Jobs, other announcements and activities

Beyond Pink Collar Jobs Flier

November 19: Presentation by Mrs. Cindy Wlazelek focusing on the preparation for, and development of, a career in actuarial analysis in the insurance industry based on her 34 years at the USAA Insurance Company.

October 22: Preparation for our upcoming fundraising events, discussion of upcoming fun events, and pizza!

September 24: We'll be discussing several topics, including our annual High School Mathematics Day for Girls event, the NYC trip right around the corner, Merchant Trick or Treat, and an origami fundraiser!  And there will be free pizza and baked goods, so you should definitely make your way over to hear what AWM is all about!


March 26: Planning for Women's Empowerment Day on March 28

February 26: A talk on magic squares by Dr. McQuaid

January 29: Planning for the semester and math games

September 25, October 23, and November 27: Planning the annual math high school day for girls and other fun math activities


March 27: A talk by Natalie A. Snow, Director of Institutional Research for Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

November 28: A talk about origami by Dr. Anke Walz

October 24: Mathematics card games, planning for our January High School Mathematics Day for Girls, and snacks

September 19: Organizational Meeting


March 30: Dr. Erin Kraal from the KU Physical Sciences department will be showing us how math and coding are involved in her science followed by a Q&A session about women in higher education.

November 8: Professor Karise Mace will be talking about The Art of Mathematics.  She will discuss the artistic nature of mathematics and how we can change our approach to mathematics by thinking of ourselves and the mathematicians we study as artists.

October 3: Organizational Meeting


April 5: Origami demonstration

March 1: Pi(e) activities!

February 2: Organizational Meeting

November 17: Introduction of officers; TED talk on "Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders."

September 24: Organizational Meeting