Freedom Place

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Residence Hall: University Place Annex

Freedom Place is open to any student who commits to living a substance-free lifestyle. While Kutztown University is a dry campus and substances such as drugs and alcohol are prohibited in all of our residence halls, Freedom Place is a community of students interested in living and learning with other students who share similar substance-free lifestyle values. Our supportive environment will allow students to explore ways to cope with stress, unwind, and have fun with like-minded students. Students make personal commitments for multiple reasons. A lifestyle free of substance is their shared interest for students who choose to live together and connect at Freedom Place.

Freedom Place provides students with a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages them to learn from one another, build positive relationships, and develop a strong sense of self and greater belonging to the campus community. We accept applications from first-year and returning students.

Freedom Place, nestled in the University Place Annex, offers students a comfortable and convenient living space. Each resident enjoys the privacy of a single, air-conditioned room at university rates, along with the convenience of a meal plan. We believe that a comfortable living environment is essential for academic success, and we strive to provide just that. Students who are interested in providing peer support and modeling a healthy lifestyle are encouraged to apply.

The program will provide students with opportunities to complete the following:
• Monthly meetings with their mentor from the Health and Wellness Services Office and Freedom Place faculty
• Residents attend and plan two campus events
• Engage in a community service project
• Excursions to entertainment and events with the Freedom Place community
• Opportunities to attend local, supportive meetings held on and off-campus (optional)
• Take part in weekly community meetings/activities
• Plan two open Freedom Place programs where other students are invited to attend
• Plan one community dinner and one Annex kitchen dinner each semester
• Attend a minimum of four campus events during each semester

Freedom Place is located near athletic fields and the fitness center, and features multiple  lounges and a community kitchen.

Questions? Contact Frances Cortez Funk,, 610-683-4240