Keith Haring Fitness Court
Keith Haring Fitness Court
- Normal Ave.
- Kutztown, PA 19530
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The Keith Haring Fitness Court is located at the corner of Baldy St. and Normal Ave. on the campus of Kutztown University.
The court is a collaboration between Kutztown University and the Kutztown Community Partnership.
The Keith Haring Fitness Collection is a limited edition, outdoor, public art collaboration with the Keith Haring Foundation in New York and Outdoor Fitness Court and the National Fitness Campaign. The fitness court features a 32'x35' outdoor bodyweight circuit training system with 30 pieces of body-weight fitness elements, including seven full-body circuit training stations and a body-weight training wall.
The Keith Haring Fitness Court is an incredible opportunity for the Kutztown community to pay reverence to one of its native sons, as Haring was born and raised in Kutztown, Pa. Despite his worldwide fame, Haring always stayed true to his roots and would often refer to himself as "Keith from Kutztown." Haring went to Kutztown High School and his legacy lives on throughout the borough of Kutztown.