Celebrate Black History Month 2023 at Kutztown University

KUTZTOWN, Pa. – February is Black History Month. Established in 1976, Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history, science, mathematics, literature, art, music and culture. Kutztown University celebrates the month with events for the entire community.
The Multicultural Center (MCC) aims to celebrate and honor cultures and communities year-round. Get involved by contacting multicultural@kutztown.edu.
The Rohrbach Library has made numerous resources available digitally for Black History Month. DEI LibGuide, located at https://library.kutztown.edu/edi, lists resources the library has on topics of diversity, equity, justice and inclusion. It also hosts a DEI blog at rohrbachlibrary.wordpress.com.
Events at Kutztown University
Stepping into Black History
Feb. 2, 7-9 p.m., South Dining Hall, Room 1
Stepping into Black History featuring Emanuel “Manny” Chacon (former Step Afrika performer) with a collaboration of Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services; Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. (MSU); Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity Inc. (LSU); Residence Hall Association (RHA); Black Student Union (BSU); and Student Alliance for Learning Success and achievement (S.A.L.S.A.).
Grand Reopening and Open House of the Frederick Douglass Institute
Feb. 7, Multicultural Center
Open to Public
10 a.m., Convocation; Drs. Amber Pabon and James Jackson.
11 a.m., Guest Lecture; Dr. Richard R. Benson, University of Pittsburgh.
12:30 p.m., Lunch, learn, and play.
1 p.m., Fireside Chat with Dr. Benson.
2:30 p.m., Arts Celebration.
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Feb. 7
Free confidential testing. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., MSU lobby.
UJIMA Conference Day 1
Feb. 15
9-10 a.m., MCC, Kickoff Breakfast.
10-11 a.m., MCC, The Administrative Sports Ceiling: Lack of Representation in Sports (Presenter: Bilal Salaam).
1-2 p.m., MCC, LGBTQ+ Workshop (co-sponsored with LGBTQ+ Resource Center).
2-4 p.m., MCC, Bingo (with prizes. Co-sponsored with Office of Student Involvement).
5-9 p.m., MSU 233, Beauty Pop Up Shop (featuring demonstrations and local vendors. Co-sponsored with BSU).
UJIMA Conference Day 2
Feb. 16
Open to Public
11 a.m. to noon, MSU 218, Paint and Sip.
Noon-1 p.m., MSU 218, Bag Lunch Discussion (co-sponsored with Veterans Services).
1-2 p.m., MSU 218, "I Only Speak English," (Re)Conceptualizing Notions of Identity at the Transparent Crossroads of Language and Culture (Presenter: Dr. Brenda Muzeta).
4-5 p.m., MSU 218, Keynote Speaker: Cornell William Brooks (18th President and CEO of the NAACP).
7-9 p.m., MCC, Celebration with BSU.
Mental Health Writing Workshop
Feb. 20, 7 p.m., Multicultural Center Unity Room
Black History Month mental health writing workshop with Pen2Paper.
Bears at Night
Feb. 24, 7-9 p.m., South Dining Hall Room 1
Bears at Night: Black History Celebration.
Ghost in the House
Feb. 26, 6 p.m., The Colonial Theatre, Phoenixville, Pa. (Bus Leaves KU at 4 p.m.).
GHOST IN THE HOUSE: A meditation of the life and times of Jack Johnson. Limited tickets and transportation provided.
Learn more about this month by attending these Black History Month events or research facts online. For questions or to learn more, contact the office of the Chief Diversity Officer at schearer@kutztown.edu.