Seventh Annual Gender and Sexual Minorities Conference to Spotlight Advocacy Oct. 6

KUTZTOWN, Pa. – Kutztown University's LGBTQ+ Resource Center and Women's Center will host the seventh annual Gender and Sexual Minorities Conference 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, Oct. 6, 218 McFarland Student Union. This year’s conference will spotlight advocacy in action and includes keynote speaker Kat Blaque, an animator, illustrator and YouTuber from southern California who has been blogging her life for the past 10+ years on YouTube. She playfully refers to herself as “intersectionality salad” as she embodies various identities and experiences.
A full schedule is available online.
The conference taking place at KU will serve as an educational opportunity for members of the LGBT community and their allies to learn more about struggles, issues and movements towards change, while approaching aspects of wellness from the personal, to relational, to political, to organizational. This year’s theme and focus is ADVOCACY IN ACTION.
About Blaque: As a woman and survivor of rape and sexual assault, she is very passionate about fostering conversations where survivors and victims alike can feel as though they have a voice. As an outspoken feminist, she is often on the receiving end of online harassment that she has had to learn to accept as a woman who dares to have an opinion. As a black woman, she is invested in starting conversations about white supremacy and how it has impacted her own life as well as various others. As a transgender woman, she believes that speaking about her growth and acceptance of self is vital in a world where trans people are not seen as valid, and their possibilities are often seen as limited.
Blaque’s talks are generally casual in nature and encourage audience participation. She hosts a weekly show on her channel called “True Tea,” where she answers questions sent to her by her followers. She finds that people who come to her talks usually want to replicate this, and she loves answering questions from the audience and equally loves starting conversation.
If you would like to attend the conference, register online. Attendees who do not RSVP on Engage will be required to register in person at the registration table in the lobby outside of 218 MSU on the day of the event.
For more information about the event, contact the LGBTQ+ Resource Center at 484-646-4111 or