Isaacson Named KU Employee of the Month for Dec 2020

Hawkinson presents award to Isaacson.

KUTZTOWN, Pa. – Congratulations to Dr. Peter Isaacson, assistant professor, Music, on being named Kutztown University Employee of the Month for December 2020.

Isaacson's nomination from student Jacob Smith, reads:

"Dr. Isaacson was my Intro to Music teacher for my first semester of college. Music was not my first choice of a class, whatsoever, because it did not interest me at all. I do realize it is hard to make a class fun over a zoom call, especially when most of the cameras are off and it seems like you are talking to yourself. Dr. Isaacson did just that; most of his students seemed to be uninterested in the beginning, but by the end, there were multiple students, including me, that seemed to be discussing his lectures and classes outside of the Zoom call.

Dr. Isaacson has been vital in helping multiple students come together this semester. Although he does not know this, many of my closest friends are linked directly to the class I had taken with him. He had a relentless attitude to bring the class together. I do not think that I would be as close to those people if not without his class.

Dr. Isaacson also has a great sense of humor. Many times, he had joked around and always seemed to be open to jokes from the students as well.

Dr. Isaacson deserves this award – mainly because he always demonstrates professionalism while teaching. He is always there for the well-being of the students and is very dedicated to his teaching."

Note: recipients will be recognized in order of presentation, due to scheduling conflicts.

Nominations are collected from students, faculty and staff, and the Employee of the Month is selected by the Human Resources Advisory Council. A winner will be selected each month, and out of the 12 monthly winners one will be selected as Employee of the Year. The Employee of the Month will receive a plaque, reserved parking and a $100 monetary gift sponsored by President Hawkinson.

For more information on the award or to nominate someone, please visit the KU human resources website.