Daily Brief
Feb. 2, 2023

Weather forecasts are provided by KU's Dr. Michael Davis and "Monsoon Mike" Regensburger
Cold high pressure brings us fair skies today and cold. High 38.
Vice Provost Search Candidate D
Candidate D for the position of Vice Provost Extended and Lifelong Learning and Dean of Graduate Studies will visit campus today, Thursday, Feb. 2. The open forum will be held 2-3 p.m., 312 McFarland Student Union. Please view the website below for candidate information.
John Ward, Search Chair, Vice Provost for Extended and Lifelong Learning
Groundhog Day Sale
If the groundhog sees their shadow, 40% off apparel and gift.
If the groundhog doesn't see their shadow, 30% off apparel and gift.
In-store and online | Excludes other sales and discounts
Kyle Rex, KU Campus Store
National Wear Red Day and American Heart Month
Wear Red Day is Friday, Feb. 3. This is an opportunity for the Kutztown University community to come together to raise awareness about heart health. In 2006, first lady Laura Bush introduced the Red Dress as a symbol to raise awareness of heart disease among women. We can all come together and discuss heart health with family and friends during February. For more information, visit the American Heart Association website. Go Red on Friday to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease.
Frances C. Cortez Funk, Health & Wellness Center
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater Opens Family Series
Get your tickets before they are gone. Popovich Comedy Pet Theater, featured on America’s Got Talent, brings a unique blend of classic style circus acts with the extraordinary talents of more than 30 furry performers, all rescued from animal shelters. This is the first performance for the new Family Series at KU Presents! 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 5., Schaeffer Auditorium. All tickets $15.
KU Presents!
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
LVHN will be hosting free same-day confidential HIV testing on campus 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday Feb. 7, MSU lobby table B. “Together, when we work to overcome structural barriers to HIV testing, prevention and treatment and stop HIV stigma, we help reduce HIV-related disparities and health inequities in Black communities.” -CDC.Gov
Frances C. Cortez Funk, Health & Wellness Center
2023-2024 Early Event Registration Deadline
The Office of Conference and Event Services has established the deadline for early consideration for room reservations and activities scheduled for the 2023-24 academic year as noon Mar. 10. For detailed information and guidelines on the process please go to the 2023-2024 Early Event Registration website. Please consider the following when planning your events for the 2023-24 academic year:
- All requests must be entered by a faculty or staff member in the EMS Room Reservation System.
- Any early reservation requests for a student organization must be submitted by that organization’s advisor.
- Any events received after noon Mar. 10, will be handled on a first come basis.
- All events submitted outside of the 2023-24 academic year will be handled at the appropriate time according to scheduling policies.
If you have any questions regarding the process, feel free to call ext. 3-4105 or email jgarcia@kutztown.edu.
Jason Garcia, Office of Conference and Event Services
Staying Centered (Or Not) Wheel Throwing Workshop with Victoria Baron
Sometimes symmetry is overrated, so in this workshop we will focus on making forms with the option to alter their shapes after they have been thrown. Our goal is to have fun enjoying the process of working with clay while creating functional pieces that you will enjoy using. All skill levels are welcome and we will help you learn basic throwing techniques or build on the skills you already have. This workshop will focus on making basic forms and then you will have the option to alter them by changing the shape, adding handles or spouts and decorating with carving and texture. The demos will include basic cylinders, spouts, handles and lids, but you can make whatever you like, or nothing at all and just throw for fun. The cost is $125, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mondays, Feb. 13 to Apr. 10, 108 Sharadin (8 sessions, skipping Spring Break Mar. 13). For more information, contact kuclayclub@gmail.com.
Gwendolyn Yoppolo, Clay Club
Collegiate Recovery
Please share with students, open meetings are held 7-8 p.m. Thursdays, 119 Beck. These meetings are an opportunity for students to pursue their education and commitment to substance-free lifestyles, feel supported in recovery and learn strategies to help guard against risky substance use by family and friends. For more information, contact Frances at 610-683-4240 or cortez@kutztown.edu.
Frances C. Cortez Funk, Health & Wellness Center
University Senate Meeting
The next University Senate meeting is 4 p.m. Thursday, Feb 2, 103 Academic Forum. The meeting may also be accessed via Zoom, meeting ID: 927 2146 3918 passcode: 459360. The agenda can be found on the University Senate website https://www.kutztown.edu/about-ku/administration/governance/university-senate.html. Minutes and documentation are available in the University Senate D2L and Feb 2023 SharePoint folder https://livekutztown.sharepoint.com/sites/universitysenatemembers. Please email any senate representative changes and/or D2L shell access requests to senate@kutztown.edu.
Deryl Johnson, University Senate
Upcoming Events
Date | Time | Event |
Feb. 2 | 11 a.m. | Faculty First Thursday 13G Schaeffer Auditorium |
Feb. 2 | 4 p.m. | University Senate 103 Academic Forum |
Feb. 2 | 2 p.m. | Vice Provost Search, Candidate D 312 McFarland Student Union |
Feb. 5 | 2 p.m. | Popovich Comedy Pet Theater Schaeffer Auditorium |
Feb. 7 | 11 a.m. | John Spagnola, Former Philadelphia Eagle 218 McFarland Student Union | Zoom |
Date | Time | Event |
No home games |
Persons with a disability, and who require accommodation, should notify the Disability Services Office two weeks prior to the event at 610-683-4108 or email DSO@kutztown.edu, TDD number: 610-683-4499, in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations. Please note: Kutztown University does not provide wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Kutztown University does not discriminate in employment or educational opportunities on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. To discuss a complaint of discrimination, please contact the Office of Social Equity, Old Main A-Wing, Room 02, by phone at 610-683-4700 or by email at pena@kutztown.edu. Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Kutztown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX at Kutztown University may be made to Bradley Davis, the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in Old Main A-Wing, Room 02A, by phone at 610-683-4782 or by email at titleix@kutztown.edu. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights located in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, by phone at 800-421-3481 (TDD: 800-877-8339), by fax at 202-453-6012, or by email at OCR@ed.gov.