Daily Brief
July 24, 2023

Weather forecasts are provided by KU's Dr. Michael Davis and "Monsoon Mike" Regensburger
High pressure shifts east allowing weak low pressure to pass through. We could see a chance of a thunderstorm from late morning to mid-afternoon as a result. High temperature near 85.
AFSCME Contract Vote July 25
Voting on the new AFSCME contract will be held Tuesday, July 25, from 6-9 a.m. and noon to 5 p.m. in 203 Academic Forum. You need to be a member of AFSCME to vote. Members are allowed to vote during your shift, you do NOT need to use leave time, but please let your supervisor know. This is your contract, so please make it a priority to come out and vote.
Dave Isett, AFSCME
Fire Drills - North Campus
Facilities Environmental Health and Safety will be conducting fire drills for North Campus buildings Wednesday, Aug. 2 through Monday, Aug. 7. It's important to be aware of the exit routes for your specific location in advance of an evacuation event. Please take a moment to review the appropriate evacuation map posted in your building for your area.
Gary W. Fleming, Environmental Health and Safety
Upcoming Events
Date | Time | Event |
None |
Persons with a disability, and who require accommodation, should notify the Disability Services Office two weeks prior to the event at 610-683-4108 or email DSO@kutztown.edu, TDD number: 610-683-4499, in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations. Please note: Kutztown University does not provide wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Kutztown University does not discriminate in employment or educational opportunities on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. To discuss a complaint of discrimination, please contact the Office of Social Equity, Old Main A-Wing, Room 02, by phone at 610-683-4700 or by email at pena@kutztown.edu. Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Kutztown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX at Kutztown University may be made to Bradley Davis, the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in Old Main A-Wing, Room 02A, by phone at 610-683-4782 or by email at titleix@kutztown.edu. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights located in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, by phone at 800-421-3481 (TDD: 800-877-8339), by fax at 202-453-6012, or by email at OCR@ed.gov.