Daily Brief
Nov. 16, 2022

Holiday Celebration
President Kenneth S. Hawkinson and Mrs. Ann Marie Hayes-Hawkinson cordially invite you and your family to a holiday celebration 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, Georgian Room Old Main. Kindly respond by Dec. 5 through the link below. Following the celebration, please enjoy these additional activities starting 3 p.m.:
Seasons of Light Planetarium Show, Grim Science Building
Department of Music Holiday Concert, Schaeffer Auditorium
Office of the President
Weather forecasts are provided by KU's Dr. Michael Davis and "Monsoon Mike" Regensburger
High pressure builds during the day. Cloudy skies in the morning will gradually give way to mostly sunny skies. High temperature near 50.
Steve Lem to Serve as Interim Associate Dean of LAS
Steve Lem, chair, Department of Philosophy and Government, will serve as interim associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, effective Jan. 14. Lem has been at KU since 2008 and has been the department chair since 2014. He will continue serving as the co-chair of ChairNet and president of University Senate until his interim associate dean role begins. Lem steps in for Laurie McMillan, who was named interim dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
University Relations
"Mountain Mary: Contemporary Visions of the Sainted Healer"
A new cultural exhibition entitled “Mountain Mary: Contemporary Visions of the Sainted Healer” explores the life and legend of Anna Maria Young (1744-1819), immigrant pioneer, farmer and sainted healer of the Oley Valley. Opening 4-7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16, in the newly opened DeLight E. Breidegam Building, Headquarters of the Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center, the exhibition features new works by contemporary artists and historic artifacts highlighting Mountain Mary’s colorful and multifaceted legend. For more information, visit www.pagerman.org/mtmary/ or contact us at heritage@kutztown.edu. Visitors can explore the exhibition during regular gallery hours 10 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Patrick Donmoyer, Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center
CTM Live Event Class to Broadcast Concert Saturday
We’re bringing KU’s finest musicians and creatives together for an incredible concert 6 p.m. Saturday Nov. 19, Rickenbach Theater, 135 Rickenbach Learning Center, broadcasted live by CTM’s live event class and hosted by Quentin Thomas Brown. This free concert will have something for everyone, from chill acoustic sets to bumping hip-hop acts. Come see The Blinds, Lanie Altmiller, Connor Gregory, Slightly West and special guests Lance Shapiro and Griffin Moonstone for a night to remember.
Cinema, Television and Media Production
Ushers Needed for December Commencement
Ushers are needed for the upcoming December undergraduate commencement ceremony 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17. If you are able to help out, please contact kirshman@kutztown.edu.
Andrea Kirshman, Student Success & Academic Excellence
Sabbatical Committee Guidelines
For faculty members who wish to apply for a sabbatical leave for Fall 2024-Spring 2025, please find this year's sabbatical guidelines on the APSCUF KU website or using the link below. Note that applicants need to verify their eligibility by having the provost's office review their years of service and include the signed verification of eligibility form in their applications. The following materials are required for your sabbatical applications: signed verification of eligibility from the provost's office, signed application form (signatures are required from the applicant, the department chair and the dean), written sabbatical proposal, updated CV and seven additional back-to-back photocopies of the application. Completed applications are due by noon Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2023. The committee will announce designated days, times and the location for delivery of your applications materials in early Jan. 2023.
Yun Lu, The Sabbatical Committee
Upcoming Events
Date | Time | Event |
Nov. 16 | 11 a.m. | Open Hour with Provost Old Main Concourse |
Nov. 16 | 3 p.m. | Book Club for All: "Dare to Lead" Brene Brown TBD |
Nov. 17 | 4 p.m. | “Mountain Mary” DeLight E. Breidegam Building |
Nov. 17 | 4:30 p.m. | World Philosophy Lecture Schaeffer Auditorium |
Free Golden Bear Basketball Tickets
Faculty and staff get four free tickets to regular season home basketball games. Access by logging in for tickets with your KU login. Once you have an account set up, you will also have access to discounted or free tickets to other campus events.
KU Box Office
Date | Time | Event |
Nov. 16 | 7 p.m. | Men’s Basketball vs. Jefferson Keystone Arena (Live Stats | Video) |
Nov. 18 | 5:30 p.m. | PSAC Semifinals Field Hockey vs. East Stroudsburg/West Chester Andre Reed Stadium (Live Stats | Video) |
Nov. 19 | 1 p.m. | Men’s Basketball vs. Georgian Court Keystone Arena (Live Stats | Video) |
Nov. 20 | Noon | PSAC Championship Game (if KU wins semifinal) Andre Reed Stadium (Live Stats | Video) |
Persons with a disability, and who require accommodation, should notify the Disability Services Office two weeks prior to the event at 610-683-4108 or email DSO@kutztown.edu, TDD number: 610-683-4499, in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations. Please note: Kutztown University does not provide wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Kutztown University does not discriminate in employment or educational opportunities on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. To discuss a complaint of discrimination, please contact the Office of Social Equity, Old Main A-Wing, Room 02, by phone at 610-683-4700 or by email at pena@kutztown.edu. Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Kutztown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX at Kutztown University may be made to Bradley Davis, the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in Old Main A-Wing, Room 02A, by phone at 610-683-4782 or by email at titleix@kutztown.edu. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights located in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, by phone at 800-421-3481 (TDD: 800-877-8339), by fax at 202-453-6012, or by email at OCR@ed.gov.