Daily Brief
Feb. 15, 2024

First African American Graduate of KU
The first African American graduate of Kutztown University was Bessie Reese Crenshaw ’50. Crenshaw graduated from Reading High School in 1946 and enrolled in Kutztown State Teachers’ College that fall; she was the only Black student enrolled at the time. In 1950, she became the first African American to graduate from the institution, earning a B.S. in education. Crenshaw was presented with the Kutztown University President's Medal in 2022. Learn more about Crenshaw online.
University Relations
Weather forecasts are provided by KU's Dr. Michael Davis and "Monsoon Mike" Regensburger
A weak, clipper-like system will approach from the west increasing our cloud cover as the day goes on and introducing the chance for rain showers later in the afternoon or evening. Some of the rain showers could mix with snow showers overnight tonight, but this will not be a major system like the one we just went through. High 38.
Book Applications: Human Library Event
Rohrbach Library and the KU Commission on Human Diversity will sponsor The Human Library 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 2. The Human Library® is, in the true sense of the word, a library of people. We host events where readers can borrow human beings serving as open books and have conversations they would not normally have access to. Every human book from our bookshelf represents a group in our society that is often subjected to prejudice, stigmatization or discrimination because of their lifestyle, diagnosis, belief, disability, social status, ethnic origin, etc. (https://humanlibrary.org). We are currently accepting book applications. Anyone can become a book: students, staff, faculty or community members. Please consider becoming a book and/or spreading the word to those who have a story to tell. The Human Library organization will provide online training for all books. Please submit an application online by Friday, March 8.
Human Library Book Application
Patricia Ann Brenner, Commission on Human Diversity
KU Advance
Are you ready to access more than 100 professional certificates and nearly 400 professional development courses? In just a few weeks, KU Advance will start to empower you for professional success.
Office of Vice Provost
Rescheduled Cookie Chat: Funding Springboards for Your Research and Teaching
Meet Jeff Werner and Susan Lushinsky from the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects to learn about opportunities within KU, PASSHE and external sources (big or small) to help support your research and teaching ideas 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 22, 6 Rohrbach Library. The Zoom link is available on the event page. The featured cookie will be Millionaire Bars. Please visit the link below for additional information.
Center for Engaged Learning
Upcoming Events
Date | Time | Event |
Feb. 15 | 10:50 a.m. | KU Alert Test |
Feb. 19 | -- | President's Day (KU Open, Classes Held) |
Feb. 19 | 3 p.m. | Welcome Reception: Dr. Stephen St. Onge 250 MSU |
Feb. 20 | All Day | Ujima Conference Campus |
Feb. 22 | 11 a.m. | Cookie Chat 6 Rohrbach |
Date | Time | Event |
Feb. 15 | 7 p.m. | Wrestling vs. East Stroudsburg, Senior Night Keystone Arena (Video | Results) |
Feb. 17 | 1 p.m. | Women's Basketball vs. Bloomsburg, Senior Day Keystone Arena (Video | Stats) |
Feb. 17 | 3 p.m. | Men's Basketball vs. Bloomsburg Keystone Arena (Video | Stats) |
Persons with a disability, and who require accommodation, should notify the Disability Services Office two weeks prior to the event at 610-683-4108 or email DSO@kutztown.edu, TDD number: 610-683-4499, in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations. Please note: Kutztown University does not provide wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Kutztown University does not discriminate in employment or educational opportunities on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. To discuss a complaint of discrimination, please contact the Office of Social Equity, Old Main A-Wing, Room 02, by phone at 610-683-4700 or by email at pena@kutztown.edu. Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Kutztown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX at Kutztown University may be made to Bradley Davis, the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in Old Main A-Wing, Room 02A, by phone at 610-683-4782 or by email at titleix@kutztown.edu. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights located in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, by phone at 800-421-3481 (TDD: 800-877-8339), by fax at 202-453-6012, or by email at OCR@ed.gov.