Daily Brief
March 30, 2023
Inaugural First-Year Experience Conference
The KU FYE program organized the inaugural First-Year Experience conference Thursday, March 23 in the MSU. The daylong conference featured a keynote presentation, 10 individual workshops and two student panels. The event was attended by faculty, staff and students. The organizing committee wishes to thank all presenters and attendees.
Mahfuzul I. Khondaker, First-Year Experience Program

Communication Design Students Win Addy Awards
Friday March 9, five students and three faculty members attended the American Advertising Awards at the Roxy Theatre in downtown Northampton, Pa. The winning students included Emma Pearl Smith, Chase Altemose, Chloe Grim, Anam Khan and Nicole Stabile. All gold Addy winners will automatically be entered in the regional Addy Awards.
Dannell MacIlwraith, Art & Design / Communication Design
Weather forecasts are provided by KU's Dr. Michael Davis and "Monsoon Mike" Regensburger
Sunny, with a high near 45. Northwest wind around 10 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.
Leave Donations Requested
AFSCME, OPEIU, SPFPA, POA and management employees can donate annual or personal leave to designated employees with a qualifying catastrophic illness/injury. Tina Smith (CW1, 2nd shift) and Cindy Rauenzahn (CW1, 3rd shift) have both qualified and requested donations. Go to Human Resources>Forms>Benefits for the Leave Donation Form. For more information on the leave donation program click here.
Jennifer Weidman, Human Resources
Women's History Month Speaker and Book Signing - Gabby Rivera
Gabby Rivera is our featured Women's History Month speaker. Rivera is a Bronx-born, queer Puerto Rican author on a mission to create the wildest, most fun stories ever. Join us 6 p.m. Thursday, March 30, 218 MSU, to hear Gabby Rivera speak about her life and work as an author of "Juliet Takes a Breath", and her experience as the first queer, Latinx person to write and design America Chavez for Marvel Comics and the Marvel series. "Gabby shows how our differences are a gift—one that empowers us to inspire others and tell new and unique stories. No matter who you are or where you’re from, Gabby champions telling your own story as a form of love and revolution." Event is open to all faculty, staff and students.
Diane Biehl, Women's Center
Spring 2023 Attendance Verification for Partial Semester and Later Start Courses
For the Spring 2023 partial semester and later start courses, we are using the Starfish platform for attendance compliance utilizing the “progress survey” function of Starfish. The initial attendance verification, required federally for awarding of financial aid, is available from March 30 to April 6. Faculty are able to indicate whether students have attended or have never attended by utilizing one of two flags. Please be sure to verify your most current roster before completing. Students who have just added a course and a meeting has not yet occurred since that change, should be marked as attending. For additional assistance, please visit Starfish in D2L, email starfish@kutztown.edu, or call 610-683-4217.
Cheryl Brattley, Center for Student Success & Academic Excellence
Student Absence
Please excuse HIS 257, Introduction to Public History, students from their 1 p.m. classes Friday, March 31. They will be touring the Kutztown Area Historical Society. They understand they are responsible for making up any missed assignments. If you have any questions or wish to confirm a student is enrolled in HIS 257, Introduction to Public History, contact me at gabriel@kutztown.edu. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.
Michael Gabriel, Department of History
Upcoming Events
Date | Time | Event |
March 30 | 11 a.m. | Your Opinion Matters: KU Website 322 MSU |
March 30 | 6 p.m. | Speaker/Book Signing-Gabby Rivera 218 McFarland Student Union |
April 1 | 11 a.m. | Easter on the Farm German Cultural Heritage Center |
April 3 | 3:30 p.m. | President's Open Hour 301 Stratton Administration Center |
Date | Time | Event |
March 31 | 2 p.m. | Baseball vs. Bloomsburg North Campus Field (Live Stats | Video) |
April 1 | 1 p.m. | Women’s Lacrosse vs. Millersville Keystone Field (Live Stats | Video) |
In Case You Missed It
Student Trustee Search
Faculty and staff, please nominate those students who could best serve the university as its student trustee. Kutztown University Council of Trustees is searching for a new student trustee. A student is qualified if he/she is a full-time undergraduate student and will have completed 30 or more credits by the beginning of the 2023 fall semester, is in good standing, has a GPA of at least a 2.5 and will graduate no sooner than May 2025. The Council of Trustees, the governing body of the university, is composed of an eleven-member board, one of whom is an undergraduate student. The student trustee is a full-voting member of the council. The nomination deadline is April 7. All nominations must be submitted in writing and must include the student's name, email address and telephone number. We will immediately contact students nominated for the position.
For more information about the position or to download an application please visit https://www.kutztown.edu/news-and-media/announcements/student-trustee-search.html.
Forms are available in the Office of the President, MSU Information Desk, residence halls, Multicultural Center, Student Recreation Center and Rohrbach Library. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Toyia Heyward, Office of the President, at 610-683-4102 or heyward@kutztown.edu.
Application deadline is April 14.
Evan Santos, Student Trustee Search Committee
Persons with a disability, and who require accommodation, should notify the Disability Services Office two weeks prior to the event at 610-683-4108 or email DSO@kutztown.edu, TDD number: 610-683-4499, in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations. Please note: Kutztown University does not provide wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Kutztown University does not discriminate in employment or educational opportunities on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. To discuss a complaint of discrimination, please contact the Office of Social Equity, Old Main A-Wing, Room 02, by phone at 610-683-4700 or by email at pena@kutztown.edu. Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Kutztown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX at Kutztown University may be made to Bradley Davis, the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in Old Main A-Wing, Room 02A, by phone at 610-683-4782 or by email at titleix@kutztown.edu. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights located in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, by phone at 800-421-3481 (TDD: 800-877-8339), by fax at 202-453-6012, or by email at OCR@ed.gov.